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Unpack your Genius










Finding Your Life’s Work
Your Work is About Desire for Impact. What one person finds meaningful is very different from what someone else finds meaningful. So in order to find your life's work, you have to begin to put language to how you want to impact others and the world.

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I am dedicated to designing an enhanced future for you.

Throughout the course of my life and career, my name has become synonymous with transformation, learning and fun.
This has led me to be recognised as an international expert in personal and professional performance excellence.

MY PURPOSE in life is to transform, uplift and be a laser beam of focus.
I’ve been sharing my message of invigoration and spirit of transformation for over 25 years.  It’s my invitation to you today to explore and discover a place of learning, daring and doing.
This is your home for the next stage in your journey.
MY AIM is for you to experience an extraordinary career which is full, deep, and richly fulfilling.  
I want you to LOVE the adventure of your career and experience life as a continuous miracle.
Each program is a playground of inspiration and transformation for you.  Discover an expanding world of learning and conscious leadership. 

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Program Highlights

the Expert

Startup your own Personal Brand Business

Done for You

12 Month Program

All DONE for You including your Book, your Brand, your Website, your Social Media, your Signature Program

As well as all the training, coaching and mentoring you need to run your business

Refresh your Thinking

2 Day

Leadership Management Masterclass

One-on-one or Team Workshops


High Performance Self Managing Teams

Executive Coaching

Ongoing Training and Development for High Performing Teams



Katrena offers a Deep Awakening to those that are seeking a more meaningful life, career, business experience.

Katrena is one of the brightest minds in personal development today. She incorporates three key aspects, one being life-transforming skills, training and self development as well as personal coaching and mentoring focusing on the light, spirit and soul of the person and what they are here to create.

Katrena has always been into The People Piece and wants to connect people to the source of all life, light, meaning and power.

Katrena loves helping the special “sparkly eyed” people to discover their source of light, power, abundance and understanding.

She has contributed to the success of over 500,000 in her long career and guided tens of thousands of people over the last 25 years, inspiring them to their next level of development.

Katrena's life purpose is to cultivate solutions that develop creativity, personal power, self leadership and advanced knowledge and skills for a leap frog effect in people's lives and the contribution they are able to make in this lifetime.

You can choose to focus on your career, business or personal development.  Generally people find they end up working on all three key aspects.



The Engagement Switch

Expert Speaker on Engagement

Supercharge your Staff Engagement




Based on the unique


Fun & Fair



Clues & Cherish

Knowledge & Knowing


2 Day

Leadership Management Masterclass

with Founder One-on-one or Team Workshops


High Performance Self Managing Teams

Executive Coaching

Ongoing Training and Development for High Performing Founder and Teams

Refresh your Sales

2 Day

Sales Masterclass

Sales Teams

Sales Coaching and Mentoring

The Psychology of Sales

Refresh your Life

3 Day

Residential Retreat

Personal Development

Executive Coaching

Ongoing Personal 

Development for Activated Life-Long Learners

My Story

I've spent my career unravelling the mysteries of why people do what they do.

I’ve seen individuals frozen in jobs they hate, that hold no meaning or purpose for them anymore.  Living each day without fulfilment, in a dark and dreary place, losing a piece of their soul with every day that passes.

I’ve been there. I know what it feels like. I’ve felt the ground give way beneath me and know what it’s like to ask myself what the hell am I doing?

After a recent miscarriage, I found myself in a vulnerable place with a scammer just waiting in the wings to pounce.  That experience cost me $30,000 of our hard-earned savings, as he smelt the desperation from me to leave my corporate job.

After being ripped off and realising this guy had nothing to offer, I had a meeting with my barrister, expecting to embark on a legal crusade fueled by evidence, a thirst for vengeance, and the promise of victory.

During the meeting my barrister stopped me, asking if by any chance, I had learnt a $30,000 lesson?


In that moment and for the very first time I asked myself, what am I doing?

Am I going to chase good money after bad?

Should I waste any more time on this?

What am I chasing?

What do I really want?

In that moment, it wasn't the gears of justice that clicked into place, it was the realisation that my error in judgment had taught me an invaluable lesson.

That one question shifted my perspective and, in that instant, changed every cell in my body, healing me from that trauma and despair.

It wasn't about recouping losses anymore; it was about recognising that sometimes the best move is to embrace the lesson, forge ahead with newfound insight and forgive myself.

That was a turning point. I discovered that I had all I needed inside of me to achieve my goals and that this was the day I embraced my entrepreneurial spirit.

I never filed the lawsuit. Instead, I stepped back up to the plate with the hard-earned knowledge that self-reliance was a currency more valuable than what I had lost.

As it does for so many of us, that decision to question myself, to take a hard look at what I was doing, marked the birth of a resilience that I never knew I had.

It wasn't just about guiding me onto the next chapter in my life, it was a catalyst for transformation.

A new era was born beyond my people-pleasing social conditioning, my inability to say no, a lack of confidence in my abilities, revealing my workaholic tendencies and a lack of assertiveness to speak up and speak out about what I am thinking and feeling while trusting my instincts.

There is a form of conditioning that breeds a fear of failure so intense that it kills the initiative needed to succeed. It turns potential into apprehension. It keeps you where you are.

But there’s also an empowering form of learning, one that leads to knowing you’re sure when you’re sure. That experience helped me discover for myself my three inner compasses:

my mind,

my heart,

and my gut.

I know now that my mind is the cartographer, drawing the map, weighing the pros and cons, and navigating the consequences.

My heart reminds me of my core values. Of what really matters and if the road ahead is leading me toward or away from what’s important.


My gut is my early warning system. Primitive, instant, intuitive.

We don’t always know why our gut tells us what it does, but we ignore it at our own peril. I didn’t listen to my gut at the time of meeting him for the first time and look what happened.

Seeing my own vulnerabilities and limitations reminds me that everyone, regardless of outward appearance or success, grapples with doubts and insecurities. This shared human experience bridges gaps and is the key to fostering understanding and compassion.

The key is to embrace my mistakes as a natural and crucial part of the human experience, using it to cultivate self-awareness through analysis and feedback.

Most crucially now, I analyze my doubts, understand their origins, and use them as a stepping stone for growth.

If I could leave you with just one thing, it would be to have faith in yourself.

When you’re faced with a big decision. When you find yourself standing at a crossroads. When that happens and it will, don’t just slow down, stop, and listen to that voice that’s whispering, “If not you, then who?  If not now, then when?

Listening to that voice is what ensures you’re on the right path.


Trust those whispers and trust it knows what you are capable of and what your future holds.


Don’t stay where you are, not knowing, embrace the mystery, trust the process and find the clarity you need.  After all, we don’t know what we don’t know.


As we all now know, life is too short to wait any longer. 

Discover your genius, position, package and price yourself as the expert in your field of excellence.


This is the HOW you have been waiting for. 

Come along to receive the answers you seek to your heart’s desire for meaning, purpose and fulfilment.


Your next chapter awaits.  Can you hear the call?

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